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this is like, the 4th game ever ive played on this website, but i know im gonna be enamoured by it for a long while.


Happy to hear it! ❤️


You've made me very happy



As a non-binary person, I love that you made a world where it's not a big deal to be non-binary, and the main character isn't the only non-binary person in my play-through! It feels natural, which is lovely. I also like how it's part of protocol to introduce yourself with your pronouns. 

This is a very original game. If it were a novel, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. The lore is immersive, and the romanceable characters are ALL likable! That's so rare! This was so much fun, and I can't wait for the next chapter! : D 

Thanks so much!! I'm really glad you felt represented while playing it; inclusion has always been an important factor for me as I started designing the game. I appreciate the kind words ❤️


This shit is so good like I'm over here struggling to pick who to romance THEY'RE ALL SO PRECIOUS AND I'M TOO GAY TO MAKE A PROPER DECISION. Gonna have to play it multiple times. That seems to be the only solution. I do hope you take care of yourself while writing and that you enjoy working on it as much as I enjoy reading it.


Thanks so much!! ❤️ I'd definitely encourage playing it multiple times haha, that way you don't have to worry about missing out on a route ;)


Brilliant! Where do I even begin? I will try to be brief on each point so as not to drag on forever. (Which I most certainly could)

The characters are wonderful. Not just the LIs, but the side characters as well. Each character felt distinct in their own way. As to the LIs, I absolutely adore Azad.

The setting is refreshing. I've been looking for good non-western fantasy, and this is it. The lore is positively intriguing, and I find myself wanting to know everything about the world's history.

The story, captivating. It's the kind that leaves you thinking about what will come next when you really ought be sleeping.

Pacing deserves it's own section. A lot of romance games rush the relationships, making them feel unearned when one steps back to look at it all. I have only played through Azad's so far, so I cannot speak to the others, but his has been phenomenal thus far. (Truly, the world needs more slow burn romance games, so many are far too hasty.)

The MC. First off, the customization level is wonderful, truly. Beyond that, this is one of the few romance games that truly feels like it is written for anyone. In a genre that is more traditionally female-oriented, even those games with options for a male (or nb) mc often feel as though they were written with a feminine player in mind. The mc did not feel overwhelmingly feminine, nor masculine here. They just felt like a person, and it was truly lovely. Beyond that, the traits system is really well done, seeing it affect actions in the more passive moments really helps to cement the mc in as an individual rather than a prescribed character with occasional sway over the situation. 

And, at last the writing. I think my above comments have made it more than clear, but the writing is phenomenal.

In summation, I adore this game. Amazing work, I cannot wait to see where things go!


Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment! Appreciate it ❤️


So good! Can't wait for more!


Thanks! ❤️ Chapter Six is in the works, no worries! My hope is to finish it before the year is over, but if I can't make that deadline, then definitely in early-January at the very least.


this is incredible, i can't wait to play more!


Thank you!! ❤️


i can only agree with all the praise.

Thank you so much for all your hard work and wonderful EVERYTHING ;D

That means a lot! I'm really overwhelmed by how positively the game has been received, thank you ❤️


Hi, this is amazing. But you did not have to make Rozerîn that adorable. Regardless of all that adorable stuff, I cannot wait for more.

I definitely didn't have to... but I enjoyed doing it ;)

Thank you!! ❤️


I haven't fallen in love with a story and the characters this fast in ages. The writing and, just /flails hands/ THEM. All of them. I love visual novels and games like Dragon Age (I am either projecting really strongly or I could swear there was a reference there lol), but also text based adventures. It's so hard for me to get hooked, though. And then I found this and fell in love at the prologue alone. Even if there was no romance, I am thoroughly hooked.

Thanks for this amazing work, I am still on chapter 4 and sad to think I'll reach the end at ch 5 and then I'll have to wait, but I guess great things are worth waiting for!♡ It also helps me with my English. I'm not a native speaker, but I understand everything without a problem!

Thanks so much!! I really appreciate the kind words ❤️ And there were no intentional references to DA on my part, as far as I know at least lol. I do like the franchise, but the settings and the worldbuilding are very different haha


I am absolutely in love with this story and the characters. I'm also so happy you can choose your preference, gender, and pronouns! Aside from the romance part, the story itself is great in its own right! It's so captivating and I love the personality system. The twists and mysteries are also really fun! I can't wait to see more of this game! Also, Xelara absolutely has my heart. All the other characters are just as great but I just can't get enough of her!


literally my favourite game ever!! 




AUGGG I just wanted to express my deepest appreciation for you, for sharing this wonderful game! I'm super excited for the next update <3 It's been a while since I'd felt so invested in a story. Thank you for making it, for me it's a little ray of sunshine in these trying times. For now all I can do is share the game with my friends, but in the future i hope to support it financially too!

Also, do you think there will be a few more interactions with background characters? I know it's a bit wishful thinking on my part but I adored interacting with Tujo and Heval, and hope to see them more!

Either way, wonderful work, and thank you again! Keep up the wonderful work :)

Thank you so much for the kind comment!! No worries about not being able to donate, I really appreciate you spreading the word ❤️

There definitely will be more interactions with background characters - some more than others depending on whose route you picked ;)


Absolutely love this game! The characters, the detail, how the story is written and the plot has me hooked! :) Cant wait for more

Thanks so much! ❤️

(1 edit) (+6)

Wow, I just played trough all of the routes avalaible, and I'm impressed! I loved the game. I was a bit taken aback when I saw it was text-based (I thought it was a visual novel, seeing the illustrations of the characters xp I should have looked better at the screenshots!) but I gave it a go and my, I'm not dissapointed!

The writing and plot are on point, the characters natural and likable and our protagonist is well-written too (her actions and thoughts make sense, and she is not one of these insuferrable brat that protag sometimes are). The customisation of the protag traits is a good idea too. I can be the Crown how I want them to be thanks to that. The story got me hooked too (I came for the romance, stayed for the plot and the story-telling!) (and the romance too, aha), I've got so many questions as to what's going to happen next! (Who's really her father aaah)

I loved the characters, especially Xelef and Dara. Their interactions with the protag are really enjoyable! I'm so hyped up to see how their relationships will evolve. I just have a question: seeing as there is already some art of the characters, do you plan on including some illustrations of them during the story?

I really thank you for making this game and making it free. However, should you put it for a price later, I would gladly pay for it! It's honestly worth it.

Thanks again a lot for your hard work!

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment, sorry it took a while to reply! I'm really glad you still liked it even though you didn't expect it being text-based haha.

As for your question, yes! Once all the drawings of the love interests are done, both their male and female versions, I'll be adding them to their character codexes!


Oh gosh, I'm REALLY loving this game so far! I love your attention to imagery as well as your characterization, and the pace of the story is spot on. I also love the way you've given the role of Crown a real feel of weightiness - how our character realistically feels quite small and overwhelmed being thrust into this world where she has such unthinkable power and no experience whatsoever. In short, this story is pretty much everything I could want in a choice-based romance 'novel'. I'm seriously impressed. :D
Right now, Dara is my absolute best guy (I just adore him), although I also like Azad a lot. All of the LI's are well done though, and I can't wait to play with them all when you write their parts!
One question, will the romances get 'spicy' (please please)? Like, what are we talking for 16+ rating?
In any case, best of luck for this game moving forward - I'll be watching closely! :)


Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for the lovely comment! In terms of a 16+ rating, any sexual acts beyond, say, making out are implied rather than explicitly shown. I wouldn't be comfortable doing anything more considering this version of the game is also played by minors. Hope that answers your question!


I'm so excited for every update, the world you've created and all its characters are very special. Azad 100% has my heart. Keep up the amazing work! ♥ 

(2 edits) (+2)

This is a really great game and I had so much fun playing it! I love how based off of your choices the character traits change. It's so charming and relaxing, I spent hours on end playing it through and the storyline is amazing! I'm head over heels for Xelara ❤️

(1 edit) (+3)

This is soooo good I really liked it so much , I spent like 2 nights to finish these 4 chapters with the different choices , I'm really waiting for the updates and the routes 

Your writing is gorgeous by the way ❤ the story is quite good and I liked the characters especially Azad ❤ 

Thanks so much!! ❤️ Enjoy the update!!


This game is so fucking good holy shit I can't wait to see where it goes from here! I'm telling all my friends to play it.

Omg, thank you, I really appreciate that!! Hope you have fun with the next chapter ❤️


I loved reading this so much! Spend entire evening on your game because I just needed to know what happens afterwards) Sooo waiting for the next chapters)))

❤️❤️❤️ Enjoy the update! ;)


It's so great to see this world and the romance and the characters and everything! I just love it! I really adore the characters and the general worldbuilding is just... I'm at a loss of words for how wonderful it is!!

Thanks so much!! Hope you enjoy the new update as well ❤️


I binged all the chapters that were out in one day! The writing is amazing and so engaing, I love that the plot naturally leads to building romance I just feel like I'm reading a good book. So excited for the next update!


That's great and honestly reassuring to hear! I've been wondering whether the romances connect well to the plot or not, so this really put me at ease. Thank you ❤️


This is so exciting!  All the love interests are amazing. I love the way the cast interacts with each other.  I am looking forward to updates.  Thank you so much for sharing your game with us!


And thank you so much for commenting, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the game!! ❤️


This game is a wonderful gem. Your writing is beautiful and engaging; I love how much personality the MC has and I can't wait to play around with replays to see how they change between scenes depending on their character traits. The main cast is filled with fascinating people, they ALL have my heart!! The world is intriguing and your descriptions are so rich, it's easy to fall into the world and immerse yourself there. 

Really excited to see how the romance routes split off!


Thank you so much for all the kind words!! ❤️ I'm also very excited to finally get the romance routes going and see all the reactions from players, it's really my main motivator in getting the update out right now haha


this is so beautifully written and i am so grateful i stumbled upon it. i've found myself completely immersed in the writing and the characters. i unfortunately cannot afford to support this game at the moment but come next payday i will absolutely help fund. very excited and looking forward to what the next update entails. 

Thanks so much!! Commenting counts as support as well, in my eyes, so don't feel bad about not being able to contribute financially! I'm a broke college student so I totally understand the struggle haha. If you are able to donate, even if it's a tiny amount, know that it's immensely appreciated ❤️❤️❤️


This story stole my heart.  I am absolutely in love with the characters and the world building.  The writing has me enthralled with the plot and the setting. Unfortunately, now I'm jealous of both the mc for getting to live there, and the author for thinking such a world up.

Omg, thank you!! That really means a lot, the world building and setting is something I've worked on for a long time so it's really nice to see it appreciated ❤️


As soon as I met Xelef, I fell in love with his character. I couldn't stop giggling. Wonderfully written so far and I can't wait until the next chapter, I absolutely love the storyline as well.


I definitely don't blame you on that front! I, too, am weak to flirty rogue archetypes lol. Thanks so much for the comment!! ❤️


I am absolutely enamored by the story, setting, plot thus far, and characters. I can't yet tell who my favorite LI is. They're all so differently charming, and them being randomly generated when choosing liking both men and women was exciting. I'm eagerly anticipating what's to come ლζ*♡ε♡*ζლ


Thanks so much!! ❤️ The genders for the LIs arenot completely randomly generated to be fair, I just manually assigned them at random :P

Oh! My bad (❁°͈▵°͈) I assumed that the artwork was done for the liking both option (〃▽〃)  I'm a little embarrassed now.


Ahh I love this game! Such an intriguing story with beautiful writing. I am so excited for how the story continues to develop! It's also rare for me to be completely in love with all LIs in a romance game, wish I can romance them all at the same time xD


Thank you!! I'm really glad you like all the LIs, it means I'm really doing my job right haha ❤️


I am so in love with this game!! I love the setting, the characters, and the writing!! This is definitely one of my favorite games and I can't wait to play more! <3


Happy to hear you enjoyed it! Thank you!! ❤️


Just now getting into this gorgeous game! I've encountered the "your not close enough to select this option" text. Is that something that could be changed if I made different choices with that character?


Yes. You need certain relationship values to unlock those scenes, though I don't believe it's possible to get all of them in one playthrough since there are instances where you have to pick and choose who to raise your relationship with.

It is possible to unlock all character dialogues, you just have to be strategic about it :p

(1 edit)

As the posters before me have said, the dialogue options for all LIs are unlockable in a single playthrough, if you pick the right choices throughout the game (I posted a walkthrough on my blog that shows you how). Regarding what ISO said, it's when choosing your LI at the end of Chapter Four that you can only get a max of 3 LIs to choose from. 


I'm not going to lie I was up until like 1:30AM playing this game. The quality is just so CHOICE... we have no choice BUT to stan. Hardest part was trying to figure out which kind of playthrough I wanted to do first ghjkfhg

Easily one of my favorite games... the worldbuilding, the characters, the DIALOGUE....... the world just feels so rich and alive. I can see everything happen so vividly in my head like I'm watching a TV show instead of reading words on a screen..... HHHHHHH what's up with the Crowns!! Why are the Followers just Like That constantly!!! Why did the MC's parents do what they did!! And most importantly: how long until I can hold hands with all of the LI's aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I can't wait for more. Definitely keeping an eye out for this one 👀👀👀

Haha no worries, all the mysteries will be revealed in due time!! Thanks so much for playing and commenting ❤️


A++ writing, AMAZING world building, well-written characters.

waiting patiently for chapter 5!

Thank you!! ❤️


I absolutely adore this story. I've already played through it so many different times just to see the different results. The writing is wonderful. The designs of the characters are stunning (and the logo is so pretty). I loved the options we had to design the character, and appreciate that the dev linked resources so you could create a character that fits the setting of the game more!!! Love this game and cannot wait for an update!!

Thank you so much!! ❤️ I'm glad I found such a talented artist to commission, she really brought my characters to life.

(1 edit) (+4)

I am so excited for the updates! I love this story so much, and I love how real all the characters feel. Not gonna lie: I kind of want to play it through a million times to see the results of different choices! Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story!

Aw, thank you!! ❤️ I'd hoped the game would have a lot of replay value, considering how long updates are taking me haha


a really nice game, i really enjoy this

all the character feel alive and not just some puppets, and the pacing of the story is also very nice , its all around just an A+ writing

thank you for making this, can't wait for the next update


Thanks so much!! ❤️


How do the mentors work? I got Perjin but I was wonder if there were other mentors you can get? 

btw thank you so much for this wonderful game! I have loved every moment so far :)


The mentors/tutors aren't a game mechanic haha, the rest of them will be introduced in the next couple of chapters!

Thanks for commenting ❤️


Nice game.

Hey will 'romance' options will be available in later game ?

And could we date other people other than those four chicks/guys as i am really curious about what Lady Naza (i don't remember the exact name but it some what sounds like Naza.) is upto. Though she is bold enough to face us . Really curious about her ! ;)


Nope. The four love interests at the start of the game are the only romance options available, because the game splits off into their individual routes. Adding more options is a bit too much writing for me! 

(1 edit) (+3)

I love this game so much! I like how kind all the LI's are, and how comfortable they are. I feel like they all respect the MC's feelings and pace. Your writing is also fantastic. It's easy to read but also descriptive and easy to get lost in. I also love how you handled the MC's trauma. I hope that they have plenty of chances to heal with the help of the LIs.

The only (very small, very unimportant) problem I have is that there doesn't seem to be very many save files? I'm the kind of person that likes to save every chapter and go back and see what would happen if I make different choices, so having only 8 save files makes me a little nervous lol, like I have to be more careful. Maybe that's the point?

Anyways, thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I am really looking forward to future chapters.


Thanks so much for the kind words!! Healing from past trauma will definitely be a major theme for MC ❤️ 

As for the save files, they are a built-in feature of Twine's story format that I unfortunately can't edit or adjust in any way beyond... removing it completely lol. I would've really liked to have at least 15 slots open, sorry about that 😔


Hey! Good news about those save files, the game has the option to save/load from disk, so you can create a folder for your characters and have as many files there as you want. The saves won't appear on the list when you press saves, but if you chose the load from disk option you can access them. I use this to have a folder for each MC in order to play all routes. Or just name the file by MC-Chapter number. Hope it helps :)


Thank you so much! I had no idea I could do that. 

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