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D to Crown:  I'm longing for you.BUT we cannot be together.My heart burns for you BUT we cannot be together.I can't concentrate on my duties , you occupy my mind day and night BUUUUT we cannot be together, people will talk xD


Hi! I love your work! I just started reading it 2 days ago and it is absolutely loved and appreciated. The writing is *chefs kiss and immersive. I'm wondering how many chapters will the entire story be? So so excited for your future releases! Take care.


Okay, so i was only looking for examples of twine games, but this drew me in and stole quite a few hours. It is really really well written.

(1 edit) (+6)

i found this game recently, i played it through in one go, I have afterwards replayed it a number of times, its just that good!! it is incredibly well written in both setting and characters, it is so immersive! and i love the amount of agency you have as an mc, especially in terms of characterisation, like being able to choose your gender identity and pronouns!! i love this game with my whole heart and im so looking forward to future updates of this, i miss dara everyday, he makes my heart warm with affection dslkfj <33


Thank you so much, I really appreciate the kind words 💖💖


i love xelef guys no. 1 xelef fan trust


I have become obsessed with this game :)


Is there any way for me to choose where the save file saves if I save to disk on mobile? I keep losing them cause I don't know where they save to


It depends on  the phone. Search for something like downloads folder [phone name]. 

(1 edit) (+8)

I'm so charmed by the writing of this game.  It's generous to have something this super high-quality available entirely free to play.

Does anybody know how to get which affinity?  I really thought I'd managed to aim for air affinity and ended up with fire instead, my least favorite :/  I didn't understand which affinity I had until all the way after the party, so I might not have any saves far back enough and may just have to start over...

(2 edits) (+4)

There is a answer on tumblr: Is everyone’s affinity the same or depending on... : A Tale of Crowns (

Also found this on the discord: 


Thank you! That explains a lot lol, I was trying to aim for air and water...


happy pride, dear author<3


Happy pride!! 💖


So in my R romance playthrough I didn't really pay that much attention to any of the others, because I was smitten. And then the text tells me my closest friendship is X, who is literally the one most detached from R between them all and the one I probably spend the least amount of in game time with between scenes, so I had to laugh. I ignored the other two too much for R, huh?

I tried to be best friends with X again on my D playthrough, but somehow it doesn't work anymore and I end up with R as my bestie as per usual. I can't ignore them no matter what iteration of my MC goes for it seems. 

Thank you for creating them, they bring me so much joy!


Seems like your MC and R are simply meant to be 🫶🏼

Glad you enjoy them!!

Im having trouble being honest w khan and prioritizing the public. I did get it once a long time ago, was that a glitch?


I love this sooooo much!


Chapter 10 on Xelef's route was so beautifully written. The transfer from the Crown's route to his (in my game Xelef is currently male, so I'll use these pronouns for the time being) was so well done. Especially when he tuned himself out, I could physically see the change in how he noticed details in a normal conversation that the Crown would not. Also, I relate to him so incredibly much. I have ADHD and an anxiety disorder, so I have gotten really good at tuning into my environment to notice things others don't. When things get to be too much for me to handle I try to tune myself out, it becomes easier for me to focus on what's around me than on what's within. I've never read something I relate to so much! I can't wait to see how Xelef grows as a character. :)


Thanks so much!! Always lovely to see some X appreciation 🥰


lmao I keep dying like a moron in that tunnel


you need 4 points of favor (flirting or choices to get closer to them) to be saved in the tunnels! so don't spread your love too evenly and you should manage at least one if not two of them to be available!


thanks. I do understand the system, I was just laughing at myself


This is so good, I almost wish I had found it later just to play more chapters omgggg

X has me on a chokehold I'm so excited for the next chapter!


One of the best IF stories ive ever read.

(2 edits) (+12)

I’m an Iraqi and i love this with every fiber of my being. Recommended it to a couple my friends. I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER IM SOOO HAPPY I FOUND THIS. Keep up the amazing work :D


So im a bit.confused and ur tumblr closed the comments so im asking here; if i only have romance points with 1 person, is it possible to get closer as friends with the others? Like can i focus on the one person's relationship will it put me at a severe disadvantage with dialogue after the ch4?


Romance points are separate from friendship points, so yes! The love interests you didn't choose will have a new counter for friendship points after CH4, so you can safely focus on getting the romance points up for your main one before then. 

It will also be possible to max out all the friendships in a single run as well, so I wouldn't worry about that too much either. Unlike the romance route, the game handles the friendships very generously haha

(1 edit) (+1)

Yay! Ty! I'm obsessed with your story! The replay ability alone is awesome. It must take a lot of effort to make such a detailed world. You're amazing! Sry to keep bothering you, but is there a way to tell kham AND prioritize the public? I think there used to be? Or maybe that was a glitch?


this is my favorite game so far on this app can’t wait for more of it!


i love this story ♡


You know those mobile game ads? The ones that show you a brief, dramatic, somewhat interesting situation and then you have to make a "difficult" (usually ridiculous) decision? 

This game is like those but ACTUALLY compelling with ACTUALLY difficult decisions that genuinely feel like they carry consequences down the line. With the added bonus of not having the weird-looking, distorted visual "aids." If you've seen them you know what I'm talking about.

Dig at mobile game ads aside, I'm at the beginning of Ch 11 of the X route and I'm so blow away by pretty much everything about this game. 

From the technical angles like the grammar, story telling techniques, vocab, etc. to how enjoyable and engaging the story is. Even the moments that are intentionally written to be "dull" or taxing on the MC emotionally are not taxing to read while still allowing sympathy. I don't think a lot of people realize how hard it is to make "unenjoyable" scenes compelling.

Basically what I'm getting at is, this is a great freakin' game. 10/10. 


any recs for games like this one?


Crown of Exile


Throne of Ashes

When twilight strike

These Crimson Strings 

Mirror Mine

Cursed Ambrosia

Sinners and Saints


Sea of Stars

Within your Eyes

Swallow the Dark


Fallen Lights

What lovely Bones 

That's mostly it, I forgot the others but explore, steam, or dashingdon. This site have a good visual novels or interactive fiction games ✒️


Hey mr suicidalsquid, I saw your name and just wanted to say I hope you're doing okay these days. I don't know what you are going through, but maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. People care about you, even if it may not feel like it at times. Wish you the best.


thank you so much for the recs!


noooo its ended, I cant believe this. me and xelef were destined to be together and now the image is ruined! I'm going to cry myself to sleep thinking about my beloved xelef


so on the game relationship page it says my relationship with X is unstable and he didn't send me a letter back or anything but according to the author's tumblr, I got the high relationship reunion scene and not the low relationship one?? are these different things and also how would i get a stable relationship with X then? I feel like i've been picking the right choices but...


Which option did you pick before the letter convo?

  • Ask for a promise that you will see them again.
  • Let them go.

i asked for a promise--is that what's keeping my relationship unstable? i still don't understand how I got the high relationship reunion tho lol 

(1 edit) (+5)

Yep! Pick 'Let them go' and look at your relationships screen, see if that works :]

And probably because you picked the option that showed you cared abt X's feelings after they showed you their whole vulnerable self at that moment 🤭

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm not able to save the game to my files...

I'm playing on Android with the DuckDuckGo Browser

Please Help :)


fabulous writing, i love both the characters and the extensive world and lore of it all. one of the only novel type games where i've actually played multiple routes because it's just that engaging. i love our crown to bits <3 

slowburn lovers, A is your pick. TRUST.


OMG, I literally created an account just so I could comment on this. I love it so much. Dara is literally 100% my type, why am I not seeing more of this type of character in visual novels :((


Dara has clenched me by the soul. Please. I am like an addict at this point. I need more after every update.


does anyone know the right choice for what to do in court on D’s route? After he’s hurt

I cant find my save in files I hate myself :D

BUT ANYWAYS, I love this game sm you have beautiful writing :DD


Can Kham be trusted?


I’ve only had good things happen to me when trusting Kham, but Idk?? Go with ur gut, broski/broskette


Can anyone tell who to trust to appoint for the crowns Jurisdiction? I've been playing this game to long, and I don't want to make any mistakes.

(1 edit) (+6)

There isn't really a right or wrong at the moment...? It pretty much just depends on how you feel towards them, who you think you/r Crown would pick and how good they would be in those positions in your own opinion from the way you've seen them act or talk about certain matters.

My personal go-to:

  • Turn down the Law Officials and dismiss them on the spot. (You have to prioritize your people for this to appear) Lemme tell you, Crown is so badass, sheesh... Got me quaking in my boots too.
  • Appoint Lady Naza. (You have to gain her approval to do so) She might not be everyone's cup of tea so just base it off what you feel about her but also think about what the game is telling you about her at the meeting.
  • Appointing Noble Nûdem as Minister of Law. (Have to do the first option - I think... it would make sense...) Personally for my own game, I really liked how they were pretty upfront with their opinion and I liked this one scene where you could decide your opinion on something they say/do, thought it fit really well for my own Crowns so - personal choice as always.

But hey, this could potentially be a horrible combination and I will cry scream in my pillow if so... just the fun of this game though, try out whatever fits for your Crown's style. I'm not sure of all of the possible combos out there since again, these are my go-to's that I feel somewhat safe with right now lol.


Thank you I'm really trying to get a good ending I will literally cry if I get a bad ending lol.

I remember replaying the game and when i was running thru the underground tunnels no one saved and i got bad ending lol, I save almost every decision tho and  replay the game again and again so i didn't mind

It was kinda funny to see what would happen


does anyone know how to not have an unsteady relationship with R in chapter 8 through 9? I did all the options, and it still says the same, and if you can possibly do 9 through the rest of the chapters only if you want.


i struggled with this aswell, in the end i got there.

  • Let R confide in you
  • Trust R to handle the nobility
  • Dont interviene 

And let R seek truth about their family


Thank you!


omg i swear this is one of the only interactive fics were i am so completely absorbed into the world. i also cannot for the life of me decide which LI to do ( im gonna do all of them)

by the way, has anyone figured out how to priorities the public and gain lady Naza's approval ? (i have been replaying soooo many times yet i can never get those options)


According to a short search on the discord: 

1. Tell everyone about the assassin 

2. Yell "QUIET!" 

3. Reject the officials and rebuke them


omg thank you for that (i finally got it!)

tho i somehow killed 2 guards and 2 citizens this time (oops) - tried all options of security yet i still coudnt save them (what ? do i have NO security ? thats ridiculous) 


I think that's because you toldthe nobles. You are warned that it is a sign of weakness meaning they likely got some assassins? I haven't ever played this way.


I picked these options and always got the priorities for the public.


Tell the public about the assassins. Don't tell the nobles or Kham.

Celebrate the coronation with everyone. I also did protection for both parade and ceremony.

Keep curtains drawn.

Pick first option about the keeper who doesn't come to coronation. Publicly condemning them.

I always get the option for Lady Naza. From what she says, she prefers a crown who is in charge and in my own words has a spine.


ASHTI AND DELAL... my beloveds. Your writing is impeccable. Truly I don't think I'll be able to compliment your skill in making this game enough; it was absolutely captivating and I've already played it like 4 times over. Each character's romance is thrilling and unique and I am so sincerely attached to everyone. can't wait for the next chapter!!

(1 edit) (+5)

I'm not one to leave comments on games, it's just not something I do very often. Not many things really touch me. This one does. I love the characters, I love the amount of real feeling of decision I have. I'm currently romancing Rozerin and the absolutely adorable scenes make me want to go and see all of the other wonderful routes, honestly.

Another thing that I want to say feels very interesting. I've struggled alot with how to deal with identity, how to handle identity of other people, and how that all works in regards to just dealing with people. The way that your characters introduce themselves "I go by 's/he/they' feels both natural and flows well. It's something that has actually changed my perspective on identity, in a way, or at least changed my relationship with others' identites. I love your work, I hope you continue working on it, and I'm very, very happy to play through the game until it's finished.

I'll definitely be playing the other routes when I get time to do so. Your writing is touching, amazing, and lovely. Thank oyu, very much, for making this. I quite enjoy it.

(1 edit) (+2)

I was reading it with my android but I got a new iphone. How do I transfer the save files from android? 


maybe you could send them to yourself through mail?


you are a life saver ❤️ thank you


I've been an avid reader for my entire life, and this, this is one of the best stories I've ever read.  I adore the characters because they have such good chemistry and developed personalities.  

One of my favorite parts of this story is how your choices affect your personality.  I like how the character I play acts how I would.

Thank you very much, Qeresî!!! 💞


That's such high praise 🥺 Tysm for the lovely words!! I'm glad you're enjoying the traits for the MC, writing the different personality variations is always fun for me haha

(6 edits) (+6)

The writing and characters are great!! I didn't expect to be fond of the characters so quickly

Also, all the romanceable characters have such a good dynamic with you and each other.. *waggles eyebrows* (poly route poly route)

helpppp I'm already in a specific route yet their dynamic is still lovely 


HELPPP these bros 😭😭


Nahh if Xelef pulls another stunt like this he gonna get thrown off the sky temple 😭

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