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(1 edit) (+2)

I reached chapter 4 but am stuck with a bad ending, I don't understand what I'm to do to move past this?


you need to have established a relationship with one or more of the ROs

(1 edit) (+3)

yeah I just saw someone else with this problem, sigh, this is what I get for wanting my own horse I guess 😔 Thank you though you've no idea how confused I was earlier!


I'm Just gonna say it, ya'll are making me feel real basic for just romancing X.

To the Author, I just gotta say that this game changed the trajectory of my life a little bit, in a good way. I had no idea what Interactive Fiction was beforehand, and for a good three months I was obsessed purely from the high I got off of this one. I got busy with shit after that, but I always planned to come back and I think I will soon, because its that good. You do great work, and I don't wanna pressure you to work on it, but what I will say is that this is magnificent. Something to be proud of. Few creative endeavors are, so just know you've got something special here.


Thank you, that's very kind of you to say!! 💖💖 And no need to feel basic for just romancing one love interest, we all have a favorite flavor of ice cream haha.

Though I would encourage trying out the other routes between updates even if you're not particularly interested in the romance! They each offer new background/worldbuilding to the setting and even new insights into the other LIs ✨

X romancers especially should try out A's route for reasons I will not spoil (and vice versa) 👀

(2 edits) (+5)

spoilers probs????????????









honestly Rêzan is making me kick my feet twirl my hair giggle and everyhting since the moment he first APPEARS because AAAAA hes so precious and theres something rlly sweet and intimate since the start like the scene of the meeting&&& i had to take a break cuz it felt like reuniting with a lover not meeting smb for the first time. AND ALSO THE WAY HE SAYS "MY CROWN"????? I MIGHT BE DELULU FOR THINKING THERES smth intimate anout that too but "my crown"??? hellyeah im yours now baby////// also i love dara i wanna replay  for his route bc i abandoned it after fcking up somewhere BUT Rêzan first ANYWAYS im loving it sososo much its amazing

edit: im doing R route and ive been picking the same things as before when i did D route but for whatever reason im apperantly closer with X and can ask him stuff i couldnt before??? is it a mistake or does X dont like D that much he'll like you less when you are wooing D than when you are wooing R



R is making me go FERAL i love that boy so much and i love flustering him even more


hi i just started playing the game but I was wondering if Rêzan was a different character before cause the only R character I know is Rozerîn and is referred to as she/her.  

Deleted post

dang didn't know there was that option! Man, I really need to read the instructions properly..


i wish there was a feature to like... quote and save parts of the text so youd be able to go through them later in a separate window because damn there are phrases id like to have engraved on my brain or inside of my eyes to not forget


Oh my goodness, this was so good! Can't wait for the next chapter.


Oh God I'm having thoughts of being very short and just chewing on any character that has long hair, example would be rezan, beautiful long hair that i would love to chew on.

Wait don't tell him I said that, actually don't tell him I secretly broke into his room at night and watched him sleep, I don't wanna be banned! ❤️ 😦


I won't lie, I was rly sad that tujo was not romanceable. Great game, I love it sm, and I absolutely adored getting to know not only the other characters, but also my own. It's beautiful.


bro, can someone help me avoid the bad ending idk what im doing 💀




I need to see Rozerîn's walk in closet HAHAHA all of her outfits are so goood to imagineeee




huhu Xelara and Azad chemistry is also goood auurrghh ❤️


Like looookk??? Who wouldn't fall for their interaction? HAHAHAH author-nim please make this true 😭 I don't care if I'm left alone 🙏


HAHAHA another chemistry is made 😭❤️


It's both frustrating and exhilarating to have more than 4 copies of my progress saved just so I can appreciate the development in all four routes - just goes to show the writing is so amazing I'm not bored reading 4 times back-to-back :') 

and Dara my beloved is killing me slowly the yearning argh

(2 edits) (+3)

I'm loving this so far, started playing very recently, but I am as indecisive as ever, and I am stuck whether I should pick inner or outer magic... any thoughts/ opinions from people further ahead in the gameplay?

Also, more experienced people, is it possible to become close friends with a romantic interest? Again, very early in the game but I like the idea of being friends with X and want to make sure it's possible before I throw away a connection (got to a choice saying 'you notice she is attractive' or 'you want your personal space back'...)


I picked inner magic, just because it felt like what my Crown would be most drawn to. Beneath this comment is a screenshot detailing what inner and outer magic is about, in case you didn't know.


And yes, it is possible to become friends with a romantic interest whose specific route you didn't choose. (From Chapter 5 on, you will leave the Common Route and continue the story with a specific romantic interest in the main focus; keep that in mind.)

Regarding the choice concerning X that you mention: You don't throw away the connection if you choose not to find them attractive in that specific instant. But you should know, towards the end of Chapter 4 there might be options that you can't choose if you neglected your connection to X too much.


Thank you so much! This is so helpful. Looking forward to continuing the story ♡

I was the same then I realized something

" Holy shit wait my character I made is a pacifist so inner magic LETS G- "


' Outer magic trying to be cold and mean! Except baby reizan, touch him you DIE ! "

Or listen to this

I forgot


azad my beloved


no no no you all have it wrong, its Xelef


Rêzan has me kicking my feet and twirling my hair


dara just admit you love me before i go insane please. 


me with Delal xD


i <3 my bae dara hes a cutiepatootie 


Trying to be gay with R in peace and people keep walking in and ruining it. I just wanna fluster my precious Kuzko look a like.




Spoilers I think?

Can someone tell me where the kiss scene for R would be?? I did their route but I think I accidently skipped over it somehow and I dont really feel like going back and reading through it again😭


it's before they go into their pov in chapter 10 i believe, somewhere around that part. definitely after the court meeting tho, that's for sure


Thank youu I found it idk how I skipped over that


<3 glad to be of service :3

(1 edit) (+16)

Ok so I read this and now I don't know what to do with my life!

Literally it was so inmersive. And I have to tell you this, the way you wrote that romantic scene with the MC and R, was pure GOLD. There was a part were the MC says they felt drunk and dizzy AND I FELT IT! I was feeling like that, it was so great, this is a gem and I'm anxiously waiting on the next chapter.

Don't stop writing, you are great! 


Thanks so much!! I had great fun writing that scene with R, good to hear you liked it too ✨💖


Normally when I play games like this (or any with multiple romanceable characters) I am easily able to pick one love interest immediately. This game was NOT the case!

All of the LIs were so complex and interesting that I accidently died in my first run-through simply because I couldn't choose between them! After an eaney- meany  I started with R  and now two days straight of  playing I've played through every significant change I can think of!

I am enthralled, captivated, similar words etc. Amazing Job!


Thank you!! Haha sorry that you died the first time, but that's a huge compliment to me that you liked all the LIs so much 💖💖


this game made my year and honestly all the lis were so fun as romance prospects and as friends lol <3 D especially, i just adore stoic characters except not to mc type romances (and height differences bonus??!) love love this game and the effort put into it, happy new year to you and i can't wait for what more you have to offer! <3


also the released stories from different povs were so sad and cute too 😭 can't believe all of this is for free, thanks again <3


hii, if you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by different povs? is it published anywhere or is it in this web? thanks!


They mean the Patreon bonus stories I released a while back, they're listed in the development log above. You can find them on this page!!


it's the patreon bonus stories, the author linked it in her reply, i highly recommend reading them for the character povs because they were absolutely immaculate 🤩

Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it and I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed all the content 💖


honestly didn't expect your reply so now i am literally so happy that you read my comment eeek <3 your writing is so amazing ofc the content was bound to be just as amazing too 😭💖


as a lesbian who plays w the attraction to women route, i love the horse rides with ashti and rozerin i have never been happier. happy new year author you are very blessed 😭!


Aww thank you, I really liked writing those scenes, happy you enjoyed them too!! 💖


Sooooo in love with this game!!!! Def one of the best IF I've ever palyed!!!! <333


That's such high praise, thank you so much 💖


happyhappy new year's<3


Happy New Year!! 💖




does anyone know how to not have an unsteady relationship with Dara in chapter 9?? i s2g i've tried so many different options and it tells me our relationship is unsteady everytime. 


I think it depends on what you say to him when he was talking about his mom i don't really remember which option it was but it was something like "its not your moms fault" , " its not you or your moms fault." and "its not your fault." but i think i picked its not his fault. i really hope this helps :)


omg that was it!! thank you so much!! <3333

(1 edit) (+5)

LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. GENERAL D WILL ALWAYS BE MY LOVE. they remind me so much of inspector zenigata from lupin iii <333


I accidentally lost all my progress by not saving ugh but I love this game/story sm :’))


Same here. I keep forgetting to save it to the disk and always lost my progress, argh, but the story is gripping and immersive so i don't mind starting all over again :')


Right!!! Perfectly said. The game is lovely and I can’t wait to see it progress more.  (currently playing dara’s route and I’m obsessed with him) 


I'm at chapter 4 or 5 and after visiting the tea house I get to a tunnel and run into a bad end and can't continue how do I avoid this?


Gotta make sure you've romanced one of the LIs. There's a forum of how to make sure you've gotten enough points by chapter 4 on the authors tumblr :


I just realized that Rêzan literally became Zeus on his route in chapter 5... I'm dying 😂🤣


I forgot to save to disc last time, lost my progress and had to start again. I went through and got super far, didn’t save AGAIN and lost it all. AGAIN. Did I learn my lesson? No. I love this game enough where I’ll go through the trouble. Rozerîn + Azad my beloved <3

(2 edits) (+7)

@qeresi - beautifully done friend. One of my top choices/faves for interactive stories. The interpersonal communication and fluff is fantastic and well thought out - even to the point of making fluff  help define characters (D's plottings, X's interruptions).  *chef's kiss* 🤌


Dara is my pookie and will forever be my pookie🤭😘😍 RaWr XD 🦖


Gossip Girl


Is it Kham?! That thinkerbells drove me crazy, damn


Is what Kham?


the head behind the assassination attempt.


ooooh, who's Kham again?


the fae


Oooh yea, sorry my brain died. lol


I am so glad I found this game. I've been sleep deprived for the last two days going through the chapters. The writing is so good, it has returned to me the thrill of reading. Personally, I adore D since I'm a sucker for the stoic person for everyone, soft person for mc character types. Unfortunately, I'm currently in an unsteady relationship with him 🥲

Any guides on how I can go romancing them to get the max romance pts?


(1 edit) (+6)

“you feel like sunlight.” -rêzan 

im sobbing.. i love them so much <3


This is amazing!


Potential Spoiler (regarding A):

Is it possible to kiss them in chapter 11, or are they too guarded?? Im gonna replay it if it's possible because if I messed up-- *sad noises*


As of CH11, nope! A is a bit more reserved in that regard, so it'll take a while longer compared to X or R, for example. But they'll definitely get some eventually 👀


LOVED IT! NOW I NEED ANOTHER UPDATE 😍 also A is the best and you can't change my mind 😒


What an amazing read! This is one of the first twine game i played and one of the first in itch. Io. 

Still one of favorites.. I keep coming back and have probably played more than one time for each RO. 

Rozerîn is my favorite and has my heart 😍 her flustered and blushing dialogues are of some of my favorite moments. 

Kudos to the creator (or to the team if it is), Great job... Cant wait for the next updates!!! Does anyone know whens the next update? 


Cherry hasn't posed when, but my guess is in another month or two


Would there maybe be an option for a trans crown when the full game comes out or would that mess with the backstory for the crown???


The Crown's gender is completely up to the player's personal headcanons, it won't come up in the story at any point, so if you decide your Crown is trans then they're trans. Choosing your Crown's pronouns is also disconnected from that. If you give your Crown she/her pronouns, for example, the game doesn't automatically assume the Crown is a cis woman; it's purely about how they wish to be addressed by others. 

Also, it's important to note that in Arsur, gender isn't assigned at birth. So in the game, being cisgender or transgender doesn't really exist in the same way, if that makes sense. Everyone decides individually as they grow up how they express their gender and what feels most natural to them. Some might physically change their bodies, others might not--you can also headcanon that as you like, since the game won't go into that for the Crown either.

Hope that clarifies things for you!!

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