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still cant believe how such a beautiful game is free dev ILYSM CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE ALL THE ROUTES ALL THE RO ARE CHEF KISS



This hasn't happened before and I've already finished everyone else's path, I didn't even know it was possible to have your relationship become unsteady until now, so what determines the way the relationship goes??? I seriously can't figure it out and idk if I'm just too tired or if it's actually really difficult and I've just been having an endless amount of luck so far 💔💔💔

I love the game and the characters too much to sleep knowing that my relationship with D is deteriorating 


SPOILERS for anyone else reading this

I was in the same position as you and the bit I got stuck on was that you have to:
let him continue to bow
say it's his mother's fault but not his

Hope this helps!



Wait how did you keep your relationship with A steady? I just started playing Chapter 9 but it got unsteady before I had a chance to do anything... T_T


Not sure how significant most of the choices are but I replayed the game and noted down most of them 

My crown for that play through is charming, kind, intellectual, reserved, adventurous and assertive 

I hope this can be of use for you and good luck :) <3 

And feel free to ask more questions if needed :D


Thank you so much! I followed most of your advice, since our crown's traits line up well, the only differences being that my crown is cautious and passive. For those of you looking for a guide on A as well, it's not neccessary to ask Kham outright about the flowers (for my crown the reasoning was that she was much too cautious to do so), and it'll still get you a good relationship with A as well as the Office of Law option


Glad to hear it worked out! :D


This game is the sole reason I survived through my semester exams and wasn't eaten up by stress. I played it one chapter a day after I was done with my tasks, and I tell you, it was such a pleasant reward for my tired mind. It truly is extremely well written and very engaging and I just cannot express my gratitude for the author's hard work that created this masterpiece. It has been a complete joy to play this to say the least, and I am patiently waiting for updates whenever they'd be.  

Lots of love! <3

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you!! I'm glad the game could help a little during such a stressful period, I hope your exams went well 💖💖


This game is amazing!! I was so invested the entire time, multiple times taking laps around my room lol. It has a nice balance of lore and romance. I was taking laps one minute all stressed and kicking my feet, giggling, and twirling my hair the next. I really appreciate the relationship tab as an autistic person who struggles with reading between the lines to see what a person is thinking. I've only played through once (Rêzans route) but once I get the time I can't wait to go throughout the other routes. All the characters are so unique and different, I know I'll have a completely new experience. 

Can't wait for the next update, keep doing your best, you're killing it! ❤️


Thanks so much, that's very kind!! 💖💖


Also, I can't even begin to thank the author enough💜💜 Like seriously, this game is amazing on so many levels it amazes me it's free, even though I'm really grateful about that since I'm broke right now :/ but if I had the money I'd 100% support this game financially.







 is there any soul kind enough to please help me out with a lil something?? So, I played again multiple times making different decisions but my dumb ass simply can't seem to unlock the option in ch 9 where i needed to prioritize the public 😭 I'm kind of desperate here, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, help a sister out pls 🙏🏾🙏🏾


Others have been discussing the correct options in this thread, perhaps that will help you!

Thank you very much!!


This game is my lifeblood, Xelef 4ever!


ive diagnosed myself w xelef-deficiency i NEEED this man oh my lord im gay asf


Hahaha same!!


any possibility of romancing kham? bush waifu best!




Who are you to deny their love !? understandable thank you for the response. great game by the way, love the lore and feel of the game.


Thanks so much 💖💖





(2 edits) (+5)

Xelef is out here breaking my heart and I'm not okay with it, he's literally breaking me rn I sob


Seriously I was not ready for him to leave-

If someone would be a dear and tell me if this is avoidable, or how to get off of instability plz I'd appreciate it



He leaves on every route, it's part of the plot. I'm pretty sure we won't go too long without him seeing as this is a romance, and we'll probably have tutoring-related timeskips soon. By trial and error, these are the choices that raise romance once you're on his route:

CH6: State that you don't think he's as selfish as he makes himself seem.

CH7: "What about you, Xelef?" You expect an apology from him as well.; then: Let it go.

CH9: Let him go.

If you've gotten all of his romance points in the common route, I am fairly certain this will get you to the maximum amount of romance points he has available at the moment. Have fun.


How do you priortize the people?


I followed this:

The comments under the OP are important, too


Curse you for making such amazing LI's. I can't decide and when I do I'll feel guilty for not picking the others


Man, I have the opposite problem. They really are great and I'd love to try out all their routes, but I'd feel too guilty leaving Dara behind to do it ^_^; I give the writing an A++ for making me feel this way tbh


I played through all but the Protector's route fully already :o Great game. 


i LOVE this story!! the writing is done so well and the LIs.... 🤌🤌🤌 

i have played this game before, when there was only ab 6-7 chapters in total, but seeing as i have TERRIBLE memory, i chose to 're-read' it (was definitely a good decision). 

i have only 'finished' a's route so far, but i plan on reading them all (ESPECIALLY d's) at some point, which will probably negatively affect my grades but...idc

although i could go on and ON about the LIs....i really like the fact that the side characters all have their own unique personalities and aren't disregarded completely for the main characters. my favourite(s) are DEFINITELY the inseparable kaja and ezo duo - i thoroughly enjoyed reading all their bickering and banter! i also really liked tujo and heval, they were so adorable at times - sad they weren't LIs as well but i am NOT about to bite the hand that feeds me! the other LIs cute moments make up for it : )

  i look forward to reading the story as it goes on not only because of the romance, but also bc of topics it has educated me about! as a white person, i really appreciated the insight into the writer's culture, as it is sadly not taught about enough where i am from. i can say w a 100% certainty that this story has educated me a LOT ab the culture, customs, history, and even clothing of the middle-east, and specifically Kurdistan (i hope i wrote that sentence using the correct terms)! i admit, this is definitely not the type of story i'm used to, as a lot of stories are centered in mostly white-dominated areas and regions, with all of the characters being the same exact race at times, but i welcome the change w open arms!!

once again, i love love LOVE this story w all of my being, and i cannot wait for more! :-)

(1 edit) (+10)

I will not lie to you, D has me swooning. deadass I love them and all of these character so fucking much, the writing and character building is impeccable, and has actually helped me improve my own writing! 257/5 will absolutely play again


I am soo happy I found this game because I find it so hard to find romance games with even just one female LI, I absolutely fell in love with A ! Even though I enjoy more fast paced and romance oriented games I just couldn't stop because of the amazing story and writing. I am from Western Asia so of course I knew the setting was gonna be charming before starting the game. I can't wait to see more!!


A Tale of Crowns is definitely one of the best IF games I’ve ever played. I think what makes it stand out though is definitely the SWANA elements. I love how you incorporated your culture into a passion and how much you make it relevant. So many games have white-by-default protagonists so to see a change is so great. 


It's been quite some time since someone's writing has captivated me so much. I loved the plot, the pacing and especially the characters, it's a 10/10 game for me glad I found it.


Can anyone tell me whether i should stay hidden or reveal myself  during A scene in chapter 7 ?


Think logically about what you would appreciate if you were in A's position and someone ended up eavesdropping on you.

i actually helped A, and they appreciated it so it went well w me<3


Hi Cherry,

just want to say thank you for this amazing game! I have played Dara, Xelef, and Azad's routes and I LOVE THEM ALL! (still trying to finish Rêzan routes hehe).
I also love the boy's POV so much! it gives me more understanding of them. Moreover, the world-building is just amazing! THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU for making such a beautiful story! I can't wait to read the continuation :)

(2 edits) (+12)

this is probably the best story in this format I've read on the site. I've been bingeing a lot of them lately.

initially, I was kinda disappointed, because this isn't a game that relies on a wide assortment of choices to provide flavor in conversation. in general, you won't have more than three, and though there's nothing wrong with a slimmer selection objectively, I really enjoy that kind of dynamic approach to dialogue and actions. sticking around for a few chapters was plenty to show me why, though: the game is extremely reactive in terms of character traits. it's by a wide margin the best job I've seen at really seamlessly integrating your chosen personality into the story. though I enjoyed making choices when I could after the personality traits were locked in, it's largely giving you a say in things that are important rather than the idle minute to minute and just giving you the content that you want in-between. it's honestly really impressive. I made my character and she acted EXACTLY how I would've wanted her to, and with a way deeper granularity and way more consistency than I think could have been pulled off without stopping for choices every time your character speaks, which makes it a better and smoother read. either that, or I just lucked into a particularly well written personality, which I think is, y'know, unlikely. I think I prefer this style a lot more now. I just hadn't seen it done this well before. 

I really enjoy the characters, the world-building feels fresh even when it's building on tropes, the slow-burn romance doesn't feel too obtrusive or too out of the way like it can often in this format, so everything just feels really well balanced and there's always something interesting going on. another thing I enjoyed was that the game offers you a lot of choices where the outcome is going to only be presented at a later date, so there's no rewinding because you picked a bad option unless you're dedicated, and I think there are few strictly bad options anyway. a lot of it is deciding direction or priority. I like that you're encouraged to live with your consequences. I got just enough information to have to chew my lip over it at least once a chapter.

that reactivity is definitely the thing that impresses me the most, though, because the general good writing aside, I wrote a few sample scenes in harlowe after playing this to see how it feels and that is SO MUCH WORK. so I have a lot of respect for it. you must have written these scenes like four or five times over in some places. 

great work :) I'm really looking forward to see more, and although ofc please don't feel pressured to answer, I'd love any advice you have to offer on how you've approached that reactivity I'm enjoying so much, or in general? I might write my own sometime. also, you made me cry. thanks, and sorry for the wall of text <3

(1 edit) (+10)

First, thanks so much for the wonderfully thoughtful comment!! Never apologize for writing walls of text, especially one filled with praise, I love seeing it 💖💖💖

To answer your question, I think a lot of the reactivity you mention noticing in the game has to do with two things, at least for me: writing pace, and prioritization.

I can only speak for my own writing process, but there's a certain flow to my writing that works best when I can go long stretches of time without being interrupted. It helps me focus and immerse myself in the scene, which generally allows me to visualize my writing and makes me more productive as a result. In an IF, however, having to write and code choices and different branching scenes and routes are all interruptions.

The more time I spend on inserting choices, the less progressive writing I'm doing, and the less I feel like I'm progressing with the story because I'm stuck on a single scene writing 6 different variations for it. That's why, realistically, as a single person working on this IF I can't insert a wide range of choices, or even regular choices for dialogue, because that would absolutely kill my writing flow. Even if I only wrote one choice and continued on, backtracking to write out the other choices is exhausting.

There are IFs who give regular choices for dialogue scenes, however, but these tend to have no (or very little) overall impact on the story. I love writing flavor as much as the next person, but personally this kind of choice-system frustrates me. More often than not, a writer who uses a lot of smaller choices has less time/energy to spend on writing larger, more consequential variations. As a result, I often end up feeling like my choices never matter. That's also where prioritization comes in.

By not spending as much time on conversation choices, but rather plot, relationship, or MC character building choices, I can focus more on writing variations that actually matter. It's still tiring to write the same scene in 6 different ways, but it feels so much more rewarding to me because I know I'm writing a variation that actually impacts the story and shapes it for each individual player.

I think with the MC's character traits in particular and the variations related to that, it's easier for me because I'm a very character-focused writer. Character building and development is what I do best, so writing different variations for different personalities isn't that difficult to do for me. Adding traits that intersect with each other also gives a more specific flavor to a Crown's behavior. For example, a blunt/cautious Crown will address the nobility differently from a blunt/adventurous Crown, and especially so from a charming/adventurous Crown. That way you can create added layers of personality to what is otherwise a very straightforward system.

I hope this gives you a little more insight, and helps with your own writing!!


I'm really glad you appreciated my comment :) this has given me a lot to chew on as I work on fleshing out my setting. as much as I like writing, I'm very much a novice and I haven't ever really completed a project bigger than a short story, so it would be pretty ambitious for me to attempt something on the scale you're doing. 

it does give me some insight and some ideas on how to better approach these dynamics in my work in the future. and you're definitely right; the more small choices IF has, the less they tend to be meaningful or impactful. they're fun, but it makes sense that time could be better spent towards providing a more consistent kind of depth instead. I like the idea of locking in traits a lot to manage that. and I hadn't considered at all how the personality traits would pair or intersect, I was thinking about them piecemeal, so that's another good angle to be aware of.

hmm...ok ok!! thank you very much for the advice. I have similar goals as a writer I think, so it's super helpful. 

be well and looking forward to the next update <3

(1 edit) (+9)

I found this game last week and, my stars, I dont even know how many times i replayed this game. 'A Tale of crowns' is a gem, fr.

Love it, cant wait to the rest~

p.s.: Love you, A my babe.


Played this all in a matter of 2 days🫢 I probably could’ve done it in one if not for my classes and work, because goddamn the story is good!!🔥 ohhh I’m absolutely smitten with all the love interests (esp Rozerîn bc of course, she’s the sweetest💕), and the world!! Oh dear, the world building is amazing, standing applause!✨ so rich and vibrant, I can clearly see all the locations, experience everything that my character does, shed tears with her and feel my heart fluttering along with hers💕 as someone who tentatively tries to write stories of their own, I aspire to create something as amazing as this one day🙌🏻
Thank you for this~ I will be patiently waiting for the next update✨

Is there no gender choice in the game or does it come later?


There's only a choice for pronouns; the Crown's gender is left entirely to player headcanon!


Another wonderful chapter! Despite my crown's calm stoic demeanor in public "When You're Gone" by the Cranberries is his new Theme song when he thinks about Xelef right now! 


Thank you!! 💖 And that's an extremely fitting song! lol


Can anybody help me with R's route? No matter what I try, my relationship with them at the start of chapter 9 is always "Your relationship has been unsteady lately." Is that on purpose, as in at the start of chapter 9 your relationship with them will always be like that, or am I missing something?


I've seen others say that the relationship takes a hit if you tell them to seek closure instead of finding out the truth in the scene at the party. good place to start, if you did that.



Pretty sure to get all romance points on their route, you have to pick the following (based on trial and error):

CH6: Encourage him to confide in you.

CH7: Continue talking about it.; then: Tell him to find out the truth.

CH9: Let Rezan handle it.


I love this!! Worldbuilding is great and I like the customization part a lot. :)

Glad to hear it!! 💖



I have played many times and through different routes. Usually, if I pick a female MC and with no gender preference for romance I get Xelara, not Xelef. Have you changed it? I usually use the same play saving at different points to see all the possibilities but I like Xelara, Dara and Rozerîn (actually i like both Azad/Ashti the same). I can't find the save btw so I was starting over and Xelara keeps being Xelef... is it a bug or the new cannon? Just to be sure.


Nothing about the gender randomization has changed, it's purely by chance!! MC gender or pronouns have no impact on it, if you get a certain gender variation multiple times in a row it's just a fluke and the randomizer is messing with you I'm afraid lol


my pals and I are obsessed with this right now. thanks for all the cool detail waaah,,

Thank you for playing and enjoying it!! 💖💖


Just noticed we have the same name lol

Love your writing! Been keeping up and checking ur page when i had the time. Just gonna say i will miss naming saves with "ZIRYAN YOU MF" and such cuz he keep appearing in our private moments😭☝️i do like the new saves name tho, it reminds me which route that save is since i am an avid savers(?)

Thank you again for this amazing IF❤️


From a fellow cherry, thanks so much!! 💖💖 Glad you could appreciate the new save system, I wish I could keep the old one but the pop-ups cause too many problems I'm afraid.


when i was reading comments in the middle of reading the story and saw this one i was so confused but I DEFINETLY see what you meant now 😭😭 ziryan is a massive cockblock but its alr he makes up for it w his adorable puppy personality!

(1 edit) (+3)

cherry, i love you so duckling much, tysm for this amazing game and i hope your days are as filled w happiness as my heart is when xelef appears<3 ( i love him very much and would take bullets for him, not that he'd be incapable of protecting himself BUT YESSSS I WOULD )


Thanks so much for the kind words!! 💖


I really like this IF, such incredible details! Although, is there a way to add a dark version? My eyes are hyper light sensitive and it's a little bit tiring trying to read it for a long period of time! But anyways, thanks for this amazing game. ❤️💜


It's definitely on my to-do list to add eventually!! Right now I'm more focused on finishing the game first though. Glad you enjoyed reading despite the eye strain!! 💖


Thank you very much! It's amazing that you're thinking about adding it, I know it can be a lot when there are chapters to write, thanks again cherry! <3


Love the update! Is there a walkthrough on prioritizing the public


This! I informed the public of the assassins, opened the coronation for them, provided a parade, and had extra security at the parade, so I'm not sure what more I could have done.


Me too! What. R. We. Missing? Did u send the prisoners away or keep them in the dungeon? It's killing me!


There's a thread a few comments down that were heading in the right direction, you may want to check that one out 😉


My bad thanks! Youre story is so addictive! Youre a great writer :D



DARAAAAAAAAAAA *i start clawing at the floor* 

Deleted 1 year ago

What were the choices in the previous chapters, if I may ask? Picking the correct options in CH7 only insure that relationship isn't "unsteady" in Ch9, but it doesn't say the we're getting along well, either.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey cherry, I love the world you've built for the game and story. Would you know of any good sources to learn more about Kurdish history and culture? I'm working on a worldbuilding project myself and want to avoid mistakes in representation and inspiration.


Please, can someone help me get X high affinity?


You have to not push them to reveal everything to the crown during their scenes

(1 edit) (+4)

I did that and still its unsteady.

but I did that?


Make them apologize too



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