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Can someone help me unlock the "prioritize public" option?

I'm going crazy, I tried every option here. Now I'm basically save scumming but still couldn't unlock it 🥲


im sorry this isnt helping but IM SO GLAD IM NOT ALONEEE!! i can't figure it out for the life of me

(1 edit) (+4)

Hohoho~ I think I figured out. 


Depends on your judgment of Keeper Bazo.


OHHHHHHHH okay i'll try that, THANK YOU <333

(1 edit) (+4)

Tried all three choices but it changed nothing :/

(4 edits) (+21)

I unlocked it. So spoiler alert...

 I don't know if there are other options but for me worked like that. You need to save when you choose to reveal or not the assassination attempt at chapter five.

Do not reveal at the nobility

Reveal the presence of assassins to the public

Do not reveal the attempt at the fae(not sure about it... maybe you obtain the hidden choice either way)

Ask about the flower right away to the fae princess

Keep the prisoner at the palace

Public cerimony for both the nobility and the public.

Festivity for both.

Additional security for both.

A lot of choices I don't think are related....

Open the courtains

Stand on top of the stairs to meet the Mirs

Condemn Bozo

Additional decisions to determine your affinity... not relevant 

At the party yell QUIET and  support the artists. I suggest to keep with you both the mercenary and the royal guards while talking with Yekbun but I don't think it will matter.

With those choices at the beginning of chapter nine Yekbun will be injuried but fine.

Look at the body, the mask and the face.

I choose to follow the divination option to investigate but I think it will be relevant or not in the next chapters

Let R speak for himself

Then it appear you have the hidden choice and it is: turn down their request. (I suggest to use it because it gave the only good outcome)

Screenshot that because maybe all this comment will be deleated👍


thank you! i was trying it out and apparently it's not necessary to let R speak for themself but you can't reveal the attempt to Kham


I was also trying it out and yes, it seems crucial that you don't reveal the attempt to Kham as well as to the nobility.

Some of decisions that don't seem to be much relevant:

You may move the prisoner if you want to, it still worked for me

Whether you are straightforward or not when asking about the flower 

Standing on top of the stairs when meeting Mirs or staying on equal ground

Shouting QUIET or not at the party (but you do need to support the artists)


Deleted 1 year ago

Ooh, this is interesting. I guess I just found something to busy myself with till the next update – trying to get enough public points without condemning Bozo 😆 Cuz I really want to leave that decision for later


Did u also hide assassination from the nobility?




I love how the name of the character is Keeper Bazo but everyone here just calls him Bozo LMAO



beloved cherry you work so hard i love u so much i am so proud of u

i havent read the chapter yet and am about to right now, so i will respond with all my thoughts once i give it a good read

im already convinced ill love it tho and again i love u so much ur amazing 



it appears.... i have lost my save data.... NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER BC ILL JUST REPLAY <333333


k i finished it

sobbing and throwing up


and i really love xelef--please please please let there be a happy ending with him bc i think my crown would combust if not

thank you so much, and i look forward to the next update!!!! <3


Thanks so much for your lovely comments!! I really appreciate them, and I'm glad you enjoyed the new chapter 💖💖


The story is great so far! Just finished chapter nine and was blown away, way to go! such beautiful writing. I was wondering if there is a guide for romance or if there ever will be :?


There will be once the game is finished and fully released!!


This update is incredible and the story is only getting more and more interesting! But I've got a little problem and maybe someone in the comments can help me out? 

I'm romancing R, but, whatever combinations of choices from previous chapters I try, I still can't seem to get on the high points route at the beginning of ch. 9, but judging by the Google form questionnaire I suppose it should be possible? Can someone who was able to do that leave some tips on their choices maybe? Also would be interesting to know, if possible, wether that is only decided by answers in personal interactions or by other decisions / character traits too? Y'all, I'm struggling here 😅


As far as I remember it's only the choices you take. Like confiding in him? And telling him you are a good Listener. I always save before choices and read them both that makes it easier to decide which one is the correct choice. 


That's interesting. I think I made all the right choices, including confiding and encouraging him to confide in me, but still got nothing( 

Anyway, thanks for your answer! I guess I'll try to replay once again paying more attention 🤔


I think u have to encourage them to find the truth about their parents and ofc selecting all the confiding and all options too 


OMG, this is it! I was telling R to find closure this whole time, not even questioning this particular choice 😂

But yeah, now it worked. Gosh, thank you!


Deym I can feel the pressure!!! Btw thanks for updating this chap much appreciated 💖💖


Xelef just freaking broke mah heart! i cant, shdgsuajn 😭


That was great




"Chapter Nine has been released" LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!




Hi I'm not too familiar with this game, just looking for the next story to play and this looks very, very much like something I'd love to play. However...I've been burned by WIPS that go into hiatus forever (;__; - it's like breaking up with all the characters in that story and that world itself. It's super devastating when you get attached). Is there any news or estimate for the release of the full game or is that not yet clear?


As mentioned in the game description, I release each new chapter as I finish it.

Oh thank you for responding! I played two chapters so far and I'm really, really liking it :) Any estimate for how many chapters there will be? It's totally cool if there is none, I just want to protect my little heart from breaking in case there's like sixty more chapters haha


I hope to finish the game around ~30 chapters, so we're a third of the way through!


Ok so my heart is like half broken haha wayy longer than I expected because these chapters are so long I thought surely the story must be finished soon. Nope. However, I am excited to see what awaits in the next ~21 chapters. I cannot even imagine where you go from here (Have only just finished chapter 4 - no spoilers plz)


Can't wait for chapter 9 later this week!

You wouldn't happen to have a template for this impeccable UI, would you? I'm trying my best as someone with little experience with coding to work on a Twine Interactive Story-

No template, unfortunately!

It's basically the result of me fiddling with the basic Sugarcube UI that's already baked into the story format, and adjusting various colors and fonts haha. Not at all difficult to do once you get some familiarity with HTML and CSS styling.

Thanks for the compliment though, I'm glad you like it!! 💖

I'll focus on gathering more experience then, thanks! (Still my favourite interactive novel by far-)


I can't believe that I am just now finding this great game. It's such an enticing story with even lovelier characters. Dara my beloved<3


trying to convince my poor little heart to not get stolen by Tujo when he isn't even an option hahah. i just love him ur honor

still, i write this as the highest compliment — it is rare for one of these stories to have such fleshed out and intriguing "side" characters. im fairly early into the story but im truly loving it so far, thank you


ME TOOO,, until he used me as bait per xelef's request </3


RIGHT </3 <- (forgave him instantly)


I just finished Rêzans route and all those little moments with him is what keeps me going in life, the story itself is wonderful and the characters are well written, can't wait for the next chapter!




Im at the beginning of chapter 2 right now and it has been very enjoyable so far :) I'm really liking Tujo alot though


I just finished chapter 8 and I absolutely adore this game, the writing is amazing :) Thank you for your efforts in creating something as wonderful as this!


i would die for xelef but i dont think he would appreciate that very much


waiting for the crown to give rezan a lil kiss because the likely flustered blushing and stuttering will be glorious. >:)


Thanks for the update, omg!!!!

(1 edit) (+5)

Omg, how did I just find this today!! I've been looking for an over-arching story game and I have found it!!
Also, I recently got a haircut and now  have discovered Dara is my haircut twin lmaoo 
But I am enamored with the characters are they are absolutely amazing. As someone who wants to possibly pursue writing as a career your project is an inspiration! :)

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+34)

Being a transphobe is the real cringe, cope and seethe 💖

Deleted 2 years ago

Cope 💖




While I can see how complicating pronouns in our modern culture may seem silly to some, I would see their use in this universe as part of the worldbuilding.
There are many different customs among cultures, both real and fictional. And I would think introducing yourself with name and pronouns is far from bizarre in that sense.


Just reached the end of chapter 8, screaming, crying, throwing up, all that. I adore this story. I adore Xelef, and Rezan, and Azad, etc. etc. They're all utterly brilliant and beautifully unique characters. The story so far is fantastic! It's full of subtlety and depth and beautiful, beautiful magic that feels just about real. Seriously, stunning game. I can't wait for more.


Thanks so much!! That's definitely the reaction I wanted with the CH8 cliffhanger haha 💖


This is such a great story!


Thank you!! 💖


I love this so so so much!!! My birthday is in 3 days so my friend is coming over and they're DEFINITELY going to play this whether they like it or not. It's a total masterpiece and I'm so excited for whenever the new chapter comes out!! Make sure to take care of yourself and take breaks as needed though! Have a nice day! <33


Omg happy early birthday! Also as you should the story is just absolutely amazing 😭


Ty!!! And Exactly- it's legit so good- :,)


Ohh, happy (belated) birthday!! 💖💖💖 And thanks so much for the kind words/spreading the AToC propaganda to your friends haha


Ofcourse! and ty :) They should know of this because it deserves so much hype!


Rozerîn my beloved <3


CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST DISCOVERED THIS?!!!! Now I can't wait for the update




When I first played this and looked at the images, I thought Xelef had taken my heart. But Dara... Dara my bady, I would die for you <3


Just found this game after hitting a slump for romance games, so I'm not too far into it yet, but I'm loving A Tale of Crowns! UI is sleek and discernible, colour scheme is complimentary but not overpowering, and the writing style is eloquent and beautiful. That I get to explore a Middle Eastern-inspired setting along with such interesting love interests is icing on the cake! Looking forward to the rest of the game and future updates!


Thanks so much, this is so nice!! The UI is actually one of the things I often wonder about because other IFs have such pretty, elaborate/unique menus and designs and I just stuck with the basic format haha. I'm happy to have your approval!! 💖

(1 edit) (+2)

I Love the game! Im currently building how i imagined the palace in minecraft, I only have the Beginnings though!


I loved playing this and I'm looking forward to the future updates! You guys have done an amazing job so far!


Thanks so much!! 💖 I'm the only person coding/writing the game, though, if I had a team maybe updates wouldn't take me so long haha


I had to replay four times because I like all genders but wanted to get the characters' specific genders and only realized at the fourth time that all I wanted were women. Anyways great game highly recommend!! I love the story and characters <3 Thank you so much for making thisss


You have got something genuinely incredible here. The world is fleshed out, the characters are believable and likeable, & it actually feels like a lot of the choices you make matters. I can't wait to see more.


Thank you so much for this amazing story, you are really talented!! I love this game so much TvT


The writing is impeccable, especially the entire coronation event so so good.  Just finished my first playthrough, can't wait to play the other routes <33

(1 edit) (+9)

I think I may have genuinely lost track of the number of times I've played through the story now -- I've done each route at least once, with Rozerîn and Xelara several times each. Apparently my fantasy love interest tastes vary from elegant magus to roguish mercenary (and everything in-between). I use the femme names because my playthroughs are a queer extravaganza of extremely validating sapphism.

I've tried out a whole heap of different works of--typically romantic--interative fiction, but A Tale of Crowns has been the one to sincerely captivate me more than any other. That it stands out isn't an insult to the many other, really good stories out there, but a testament to just how well written the Crown's narrative is.

Every character feels like they've been lovingly crafted. None of them are one-note; even minor members of the cast, like Steward Welat, Tujo & Heval of the Crescent Blades, Mir Behram, and so many others are all multi-faceted. None of them come across as hollow or one-note. There's always more to each person--and I emphasise person because that's exactly what they feel like--than what the Crown might initially surmise. That's some crazy good character design.

That's to say nothing of the world-design so far. The Empire of Ashur is super intriguing, and I find myself making my own theories on how the country/people function in my head as I read. With every subsequent playthrough, I pick up something new that I'd missed in previous reads. That's amazing and it's a big part of why I keep re-reading even whilst it's a wip.

Some excerpts genuinely give me goosebumps, however many times I experience them. One in particular is...


Damn, it hits like a truck, even moreso after the notion of craving the sun after hiding in the shadows. That & the first night in the palace at Marabad especially--when this is coupled with Xelara's emotion-sensing gimmick it's chef's kiss.

With my long-winded comment concluding, I just want to say thank-you for working on this captivating story. It's brilliant and I'll be super(-duper) excited to see the next chapters. 


Omg thank you so much!! That's such high praise, I really appreciate the kind words and I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it so much. Never apologize for leaving a long comment, it's heart-warming as an author to read 💖💖💖


hello, I just intalled the game through the pc app and it doesn't allow me to save, in any instance. I've tried reinstalling the game but it's not working. does anyone else have this problem? 

(1 edit) (+4)

The app is not recommended due to the way the save function works - the app doesn't allow it to function. You need to play it through browser!


ahhh thank you so much, I'll try then, have a nice day :)


I’m in love with Dara, like I think there’s something wrong with me, I’ve been giggling like a little school girl every time something happens… Also… Zeryan… I love you because you’re an awesome guard friend… but I also really hate you. XD

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