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this game-  PURE GOOLD I SAY!!


Anyone else feel like it was kind of stupid of the steward to try to embarrass our crown when he first met them? Because doesn't he know that after our coronation, since he did that, we are definitely not going to have a good opinion of him and are going to try to replace the first chance we get? Not trying to downplay the game, it's probably my favorite game on, just wondering what the stewards logic would be.

(2 edits) (+13)

The Crown isn't as powerful as you (and the Crown themselves at this point) think they are tbh, they cannot replace stewards. Stewards are chosen by the citizens of the city they belong to, not the Crown--if a Crown were to try to replace a steward it would be seen as an act of tyranny. The Crown can't touch Steward Welat and he knows it.

Also, a lot of what the Crown can actually do depends on the willingness of the Imperial Court and other high-ranking officials to obey them - such as Steward Welat, in other words. Underestimate him at your own peril.


Does this mean to say that once the Steward has been 'chosen', they're secure in the position for life? Because - if I recall correctly - Welat is increasingly unpopular with the local populace.

Would it be possible (in a wider historical view of Ashur) for a Crown to use negative public sentiment as a pretext to give a Steward / figure of similar standing the boot without taking the risk of being considered tyrannical?

With that plus Welat's... less-than-favourable position in the court of public opinion and the Crown currently enjoying this desperate awe/reverence from the people in mind, would it stand to reason that he probably can't get away with making an enemy of a more savvy monarch?


I think those are definitely good questions to ask 👀


The writer in me felt that statement so hard-


Imagine not being in love with Xelef. Lol can't relate- 


I'm finally finished replaying this for like...the fourth time now- ...and you guys. I have an issue lol. I really want to explore the other LI storylines, but every time I play through it I feel so drawn to A! Like my MC is always perfect with them. AH. Anyways, overall like so happy with chapter eight, it seemed so well done. I'm so glad I'm getting to see SO much more backstory. I'm so excited to see more! <33

dear developer, may i know what format of twine did you use to make this story.


Sugarcube 2.21!

oh, alright then. Thank you for the info

(1 edit) (+14)

istg, im gonna run out of saves with my overthinking brain going red alert ever since ive gotten into chp five. im having such a love-hate relationship with this. i love that its so good that it forces me to push through and make a choice just to get some sweet scenes and i also hate it for that. im totally not fit to rule over a kingdom. im stuck at the coronation scene cause someone decided not to come >:(

third option is the safest but i dont wanna be regarded as a pussy tho (i need to be persuaded into a choice lmao). xelef still my boo and will always have my heart. i did however went through dara's route and i am in love with a bold flirty mc. makes me wanna simp over the mc too lmao. the way the mc just says dara's name to tease them has me weak on my knees.

anyways, as always, 10/10. best fucking IF ever.


Thanks so much, that's so nice of you to say!! 💖💖💖

For me, it helps when I try to think of my MC as a separate person so I don't feel embarrassed when I make a bad choice lol. It wasn't me, it was MC, I'm not responsible 😭

Although as an author I'm also definitely enjoying giving people huge dilemmas so I hope you won't blame me for giggling at this comment 🙈


AHHH!! I LOVE THIS!!! Xelef is kinda hot ngl... BUT ANYWAYS!!! I hope you continue this in future updates! I look forward to seeing more!.


EXACTLY MY THOUGHT!!!! I'm so excited for the new chapter to come out after what happened towards the end of chapter eight TvT

Hey this is my new account lol,  IM ALSO EXCITED ABT THE NEW CHAPTER!!


Being an Imperial Guard must be a really awkward job, to be listening to everything The Crown does and pretend you saw/heard nothing


Super awkward! It's a necessity to keep the Crown safe but most Imperial Guards do definitely feel like voyeurs at times. They've been trained to ignore/tune out any personal conversations or interactions the Crown has as much as possible, but you really can't get around it lol 😭


I should have waited for few more QAQ it was good though


Absolutely love how engaging this story is, It's so sad that i finished this too fast. :( now i gotta wait ughhhhh


Is there or will there ever be an option to go back to the previous page? I think it'd be fun to be able to see what each option would say without having to replay the entire thing again just to see it.


That's what the save function is for ;)


I didn't think of that... That makes so much sense...

(2 edits) (+3)

Also, this game is fantastic with its writing, characters, and world! It's so fleshed out, like the characters are really there to spend time with you, and it's really thrilling! :)


I don't remember when I started reading this. A week ago? Two weeks ago? All I know is that the hours I've spent scanning pages upon pages of text are starting to make my eyes hurt. Yet I can't look away! I feel as if I have never read so much in my life, becoming invested in Crown Serin Xani's misadventures with her guards while navigating romance subplots (Ashti is bae and you can't convince me otherwise), family tree subplots, political maneuvering and the pages of history I'm going to review tomorrow. In fact I may or may not have jumped the gun slightly and downloaded Twine2 to see what I could pull off on my own (not much, but if I becomes a major game dev you can blame Cherry).

I love the fleshed out world I'm exploring while reading, the meticulous rules and conflicts, many of which are tucked away in the sidebar to read up on at one's own leisure. It could be safe to assume that the story is secretly an excuse for the setting (I've written many of those on my own, that's for sure). I also have this incredible feeling that where I am in the story is entirely unique, that if I had chosen some other option back in Chapter 1 or II I wouldn't be getting anything close to half the scenes I'm getting. How true that actually is is a mystery to me but I love the feeling that this is me who is in control.

I just can't praise this enough. I'm so glad I didn't write this off like I came scarily close to doing. This is so good. Keep up the amazing work!


Thanks so much for the very kind comment, I really appreciate it and I'm glad you gave it a shot too!! 💖💖


Love the writing - characters - setting but when I try to save I get an error. I'm willing to wait years for it to work. 


Check the FAQ! Usually save errors are due to the app being used (the save function isn't compatible with it, unfortunately) or due to the browser type. Also, the use of VPNs/adblockers could form a problem.


I adore this game! It's so engaging!


This game was absolutely fantastic! :D The story was breathtakingly good and the artwork equally so. I loved all the characters, especially Ezo and Kaja. They were such a funny duo and UGH! 10/10 would recommend to anyone who wants a very detailed and engaging story. Looking forward to further progress and even more chapters! :)


I played this a few months ago, and just came back to it. I replayed it a few times and I fell in love with it all over again. Ngl, I'm kind of absolutely smitten by Rezan. Thank you for creating this amazing story <3<3


Oh Ziryan. Mx. bad timing, bursting in during almost every special moment. I wonder how much of the story is left, and how many more "WHAT IS HAPPENING? WH- What is happening?"moments they're going to have


I was originally reading this months ago if not more. I originally dropped it because it wasn't complete, but screw it, im caving. I remember this being AMAZING and there's two more chapters since i last focused on it


I hope you enjoy the new chapters!! Updating takes a long time so I can definitely understand dropping it until it's finished, but I'm glad you returned to it regardless 💖

How do you scroll on mobile? I really love this story but im going to be away from my pc for a while so i have to play in my phone :(

The scroll should work on mobile same as on PC! It might have issues on the app or it might depend on which browser you use, so I'd try out a few and see which one works.


Everything in this is so good from the writing to the setting, to the plot to the characters! At first, I was a little surprised because it isn't like most choice games I've played where I could see the setting- but the writing more than makes up for it and allowed me to vividly see everything. I'm for sure replaying this!!


loved it! the story was the great and the characters are really fun to interact with!!


I didn’t save. It’s all gone. I’m going to die of sadness now. 


The coronation. THE CORONATION. My beautifully and vividly written. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! Looking forward to the next update!

Hey cherry!

Do you have a discord channel by any chance?

Sure do!! Here's the invite link if you and anyone else would like to join ✨

Note also that it's a 16+ server, so anyone under that age is not allowed to join!


I absolutely LOVE this game, I have from the first chapter and it's one of my favorite IFs. The characters, the story, the attention to detail ALL OF IT. I was so excited when I heard there was an update, a little late I know but Tumblr is awful with notifications. I was just wondering if there's a way to lower the font size on mobile? Small portions of the text take up a lot of my screen and it's kind of hard to read. It's no problem if not, I can get used to it, I was just wondering if there was some settings button I was failing to find. Hope you have a nice day! 


love the new chapter! Dara and Xelef routes were the cutes this chapter in my option. AAAH I can't wait for a new chapter 


This some beautiful game and i am so so happy of the development the team put the effort into this.


Hello! I haven't played the game much yet but so far I love it.

Can I leave you a suggestion? English is my second language and I usually help myself with the translator in expressions that I don't understand. Only your game won't let me mark the text to be able to do it, but I have to type everything manually. Could that be changed or is it to prevent plagiarism? I understand if it's the latter.

Thank you for your attention and work!


It's the latter! It was really more of a prevention method, just in case, but I still apologize for the inconvenience! I hope it's not too troublesome 😅


I really love how the tax official recognizes Xelara/Xelef and Shouts: YOU SEDUCED MY FATHER/MOTHER! Great work.


Hey! I really love this story. You can tell the amount of hard work that went into this. I want to make a text-based game as well, and have a question- What platform did you use to make this?


Check the 'Credits' page in the game on the sidebar! That lists all the programs I've used 💖

ohh!! Thanks so much!


I love this game soo much, I played the whole thing within three days and can't wait for the next update


I really love this story, it gets better as it goes ^_^ Thank you so much for putting so much hard work into it, you have a great talent for writing! I wanted to let you know that we've mentioned your story in our list of recommended Twine stories. But if that's not okay just let me know. You can view it here, let us know if there are any other details we should add for your title -->

Of course, that's totally fine!! Thank you for the rec 💖


THE STORYLINE IS SO GOOD!!! The coronation has to be my favourite so far. I absolutely love how customisable the player is and the love interests!!!!!! X and R have my heart, if anything happens to them I may scream. Can't wait for the next update!!!


I've heard of ATOC for the longest time in the IF community but only now finally got around to playing it. I'm in love! The world building seems so alive and I'm having a hard time choosing between ROs. Romancing X as a shy and timid crown is incredibly fun though <3


YET AGAIN YOUVE DONE IT YET AGAIN YOU DASTARDLY FELLOW YET AGAIN HAVE YOU GIVEN US A CLIFFHANGER AND JUST OHHHHH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING--cant wait for future updates and to see how this story unfolds; youre incredibly talented and im so goddamn excited to see how this progresses!!!!! <3

I'll consider that cliffhanger Mission Accomplished then haha. Thanks so much!! 💖


I've enjoyed your story very much.

(2 edits) (+4)

Thank you! Chapter 8 is fantastic! Edit: I meant to ask: How do we change the background color? I looked but couldn't find anything. Another edit: nevermind. I see that the color is a little darker now.


Excuse me while I die because chapter 8 has been released...I love this game too much 😂

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